Leaders Shaping the Digital Landscape

Kevin Mohan Nair

Kevin Mohan Nair Profile Photo

Engineering Lead

Need someone deeply technical to found a 0 to 1 product? Need someone to lead managers and multiple top-0.1% caliber engineering teams or product domains at once? Need someone to scale your app from 10k users to 5 million users? I've done all of that -- successfully -- and I'm deeply passionate about anything I choose to take on. From Founding Principal IC to Senior People Manager to CTO to CEO of various institutions and small businesses, I probably have the grit and prerequisite experience for what you're looking for. Send me a connection request with a message with details; I'd love to chat: https://calendly.com/bookkevinm/quick-chat.

Sept. 21, 2023

Stable Digital Currencies in Emerging Markets

Did you think that stable digital currencies were just a momentary hot trend that is now over? Well, think again. And host Wade Erickson explored the reasons why, during the conversation that he had with , who oversees Engineering Leadership …

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