Leaders Shaping the Digital Landscape

Willetta "Lettie" Ar-Rahmaan


IBM DevOps Automation GTM - Product Skills, Adoption and Growth

Lettie has over two decades of software delivery lifecycle and application testing. Her QA testing background placed her in different client facing industries for example: insurance, financial, hr/payroll, transportation, telecommunication and retail. As a Product Manager, Lettie brings a wealth of Quality Engineer, client facing experience, relationship building and a knack for creatively solving issues. Lettie is an unofficial mentor to many early career professionals and believes collaboration is the key to success. She's an STAREast alumni speaker.
Outside of her role, Lettie is also an author, IT support for family and friends, family historian, and lifelong student of Theology and Africana Studies.

June 26, 2024

Stumbled into Testing as a Developer

Join host as he converses with , DevOps Automation GTM, Product Skills, Adoption, and Growth at . Discover her insights on identifying unseen bugs and her transition from software development to testing.

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